Sunday 9:30am & 10:30am  
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"...And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?"        Esther 4:14 

Such A Time As This is a women's ministry of Atlanta Baptist Church and recognized as a nationally certified site by Christian Women's Job Corps®, a ministry of WMU®. (  (

What is CWJC? A national ministry that changes lives...spiritually, emotionally, physically, economically and socially.

The purpose: to provide a Christian context in which women are equipped for life and employment.

Strength-based perspective: Recognizing strengths in women and using those strengths to help address their challenges. This ministry is not about "fixing" what is wrong, it's about change.  We want to equip women to make the changes necessary for them to reach their goals.

Unique: CWJC has two distinctives...

  • Bible Study - We believe in the power of the Bible, as God's Word, to change our lives
  • Mentoring - Just as God seeks a relationship with us, CWJC provides a personal friend to walk with the participants through their journey as we grow and develop together

Our vision is to see women's lives transformed by the regenerative work of the Holy Spirit.   (Romans 12:2) 

Our mission is to show women, through Bible study and mentoring, why living according to God's word matters, how it makes a difference, and encourage them to begin and/or grow in their relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.

Interested in becoming a participant or volunteer, or just want to know more?  Contact us at:

Such A Time As This          P.O. Box 321          Atlanta, MO 63530

(660) 349-8937